Wolf and Wildlife Sanctuary Field Trip, May 14
A sign-up sheet for the following field trip is available in the church Narthex, or print a sign-up sheet from this .pdf file: Wolf and Wildlife Sanctuary Fieldtrip

Visit the wolves, fox and coyotes at the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Sanctuary, Divide, Colorado. Experience for yourself some of what Dee will experience in her travels, study, and spiritual interactions with animals and marine life this summer.
One-hour guided walking tour through the sanctuary includes up-close viewing of the wildlife as well as discussion and education on each species and the need for rescue and rehabilitation programs.
$10 per person, all welcome. The Sabbatical Lilly Grant fund will cover the cost of the guided walking tour for all participants.
VIP tour
for those wishing to experience time within the wolf and fox enclosures. The VIP portion of the tour will follow the guided walking tour for approximately 30-45 minutes. Experience wolf kisses and/or a fox sitting on your lap – engage in their playfulness as if you were part of their pack!
$55-$60 per person (depending on how many VIP participants sign up). Minimum age 18 for this portion of the tour. (please visit this page: http://www.wolfeducation.org/pricing_and_rules.html for information about liability waivers if you plan to sign up for this portion of the tour)
Children and those not wishing to enter the enclosures will likely be able to view the interactions of those on the VIP tour. So whether you plan to join the wolves and wildlife in their habitat or watch from just outside the enclosure, join us for this once-in-a-lifetime Church of the Hills field trip experience!
Your participation must be confirmed (including payment, if appropriate) by May 6, 2011.
Contact Kelly Krueger, 303-670-8406 or [email protected] for more details