As printed in the Summer issue of Echoes, 2011
Overview of Summer Series
As presented during “Seconds for Sabbatical,” May 8, 2011 An overview of the Summer Series, currently being developed by the Sabbatical Team, was presented by Jill Hesser, highlighting Pastor Dee’s summer itinerary and how the the local schedule of activities relates. Elements from Dee’s itinerary – from California to Bimini to Oregon and finishing in Tanzania – will be highlighted through […]
Pastor Dee’s Letter ~ Summer Preparations
Pastor Dee’s Letter, Echoes, May 2011 It’s May!!! Hooray Hooray! I love this time of the year. It is a time for emergence from winter! We start seeing bulbs and crocus peak through the dry ground with color and life. The days seem warmer and longer. Snow is long gone for the season (we hope-rain is […]
Friday Features, February 25, 2011
The last quote we shared with you came from Ann Bolson, pastor of Wild Rose UCC. The following is from a member of that congregation: We [the congregation] did not have visiting or interim pastors during [Ann Bolson’s] sabbatical. We relied on our own ingenuity and creativity. We did some fun things such as taking […]
Sabbatical Frequently Asked Questions
Do you wonder: “What is the Purpose of a Sabbatical?” or “What is the Lilly Endowment Grant?” or “Is $8,000 really enough to cover all the church expenses for the summer?” These questions and many others are answered in the Sabbatical Frequently Asked Questions document available in hard copy in the Narthex or by clicking […]
Summer 2011 Worship Schedule
Summer of Exploring Creative Play and Spirituality During our “Summer of Exploring Creative Play and Spirituality” we welcome guests in the pulpit to bring our worship messages. The summer worship schedule will be announced again when final. To date, however, we are thrilled to share the following visiting pastors and guests and their topics: June […]
Sabbatical Potluck, January 23, 2011
As printed in the January 2011 issue of Echoes: Please come to the congregational potluck lunch Sunday, January 23rd, right after church in the Fellowship Hall. A-H: Side dishes I-Q: Desserts R-Z: Main dishes Dee and the Sabbatical team will give a short presentation on Dee’s Sabbatical theme and will be available to answer all your […]
What’s this I hear about a Sabbatical for Dee?
As printed in the December 2010 issue of Echoes: You have probably heard some reference to Dee’s Sabbatical, scheduled for this coming summer 2011, and perhaps you have seen and heard ALL the information about this exciting time for Dee and our congregation. It’s easy to miss or forget some information here or there, however, and […]
Planning for Dee’s Sabbatical
As printed in the September 2010 issue of Echoes: Our Pastor, Dee Cooper, as part of her call that Church of the Hills extended to her in 2006, has her first ever sabbatical time coming up in the summer of 2011. The purpose and focus of her sabbatical time will be Therapeutic Play, focusing on […]
Who Do I Contact If I Have Questions About Dee’s Sabbatical?
The Sabbatical Team is working to keep you up-to-date with information as the preparations for Dee’s sabbatical (Summer 2011) continues. Even so, you may have a question about Dee’s sabbatical, how to help with the preparations, the status of grant applications, how the church will function during the sabbatical time, etc. We encourage you to ask […]