
Sabbatical Potluck, January 23, 2011


As printed in the January 2011 issue of Echoes:

Please come to the congregational potluck lunch Sunday, January 23rd, right after church in the Fellowship Hall. 

A-H: Side dishes
I-Q: Desserts
R-Z: Main dishes

Dee and the Sabbatical team will give a short presentation on Dee’s Sabbatical theme and will be available to answer all your questions about the Sabbatical, the Lilly Foundation award, and plans for COTH during the summer of 2011.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out the Sabbatical blog, go to:  There you will find a description of Dee’s sabbatical theme, her reading list, Sabbatical resource links, a description of the prestigious Lilly Foundation National Clergy renewal Program Grant, and much, much more.