
Bend, Oregon


Well we traded in our snorkels and fins and pulled on the boots and jeans and headed to Bend, Oregon. Several of you know I travel to Bend for an annual gals weekend with friends from Los Angeles.

Bend, Redmond, and Sisters are in a triangle position to each other and they lie in the heart of the cascades. So at each turn one sees the three sisters and many of the western presidential range peaks. Like Evergreen, it is a horsy place where love of these gentle giants runs deep. The arid high dessert is filled with surprises of gorgeous flowers.

My sojourners on this leg of the trip were Kim, Leslie, Keri, and Kimra. We have known these horses as we have fed them carrots for many years over the fence. In many ways it was a coming home to say hi to many of them again and see them in the fullness of their stories of suffering and pain and how they have not just survived but thrived and are providing hope to so many.











