Thank you to all Church of the Hills elders, staff, members, and friends who joined us for the potluck lunch and Sabbatical informational presentation after worship on January 23, 2011. The food and attendance was excellent and the thoughtful questions were much appreciated. After an introduction and prayer from team member Lee Stratton, Pastor Dee […]
Sabbatical Frequently Asked Questions
Do you wonder: “What is the Purpose of a Sabbatical?” or “What is the Lilly Endowment Grant?” or “Is $8,000 really enough to cover all the church expenses for the summer?” These questions and many others are answered in the Sabbatical Frequently Asked Questions document available in hard copy in the Narthex or by clicking […]
Dee’s Sabbatical Itinerary
Dee will begin her Pastoral Sabbatical in early June, returning to Church of the Hills in early September. Her travel and study plans are in process and will be updated as each leg of her journey is confirmed. Dee’s overall itinerary is available on the Sabbatical Blog in the banner area under the tab titled […]
Lilly Endowment “Clergy Renewal Program” Grant
Pastor Dee and the Sabbatical team submitted a grant proposal in June, 2010 to the Lilly Foundation under the “Clergy Renewal Program.” If awarded, the grant will fund Dee’s Sabbatical scheduled for the summer of 2011. Sabbatical and Personnel team member, Rick Bailey, joyfully announced a full award of $49,353 from the Lilly Endowment during Worship Service on […]
Dee Updates Her Reading List
Dee has added the following books to her Sabbatical preparation reading list: Kim Meeder Hope Rising and Blind Hope Garth Stein The Art of Racing in the Rain Temple Grandin Animals in Translation Gary Kurz Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates Pam Houston Sight Hound You can check out these books from the Church […]
Subscribe to this Sabbatical Blog
How to Subscribe Now that you have visited the Church of the Hills blog, we encourage you to subscribe to the blog in order to receive the informational updates as they are posted. This way you won’t miss any of the valuable information regarding Dee’s sabbatical preparations. We anticipate 2-4 updates per month. You may subscribe to […]
Who Do I Contact If I Have Questions About Dee’s Sabbatical?
The Sabbatical Team is working to keep you up-to-date with information as the preparations for Dee’s sabbatical (Summer 2011) continues. Even so, you may have a question about Dee’s sabbatical, how to help with the preparations, the status of grant applications, how the church will function during the sabbatical time, etc. We encourage you to ask […]
With Appreciation for Their Support
A big part of any successful project at Church of the Hills is the support given by individuals. Preparing for Dee’s sabbatical is no exception, and support and guidance has come in many forms and from many people. There is much planning and preparation left to do and no doubt the list of people to […]
Interesting Resources for Dee’s Sabbatical Preparations
Dee has identified many wonderful informational and educational resources to help her prepare for her sabbatical time. Along with Dee’s reading list, several web links are available on the sidebar for you to review and more will be added as they are identified. Sabbatical Adventure and Resource Links Adventures by the Sea, Monterey CA Climb […]
Dee’s Reading List for Sabbatical Preparation
In preparation for her sabbatical, Dee has gathered and is reading several books based on her theme of play. These books will be in the Church Resource Room as Dee finishes them, and she invites you to read and prepare with her for her exciting and reflective sabbatical time. Dee’s reading list will be available on […]